Notice of Special Congregational Meeting
Called by Spirit of Joy Church Council

When and Where: Sunday August 30, following face-to-face outdoor worship, at Spirit of Joy.

Purpose of Meeting: To consider and vote on a modification to the Spirit of Joy Congregational Constitution.  No other business will be conducted.

Discussion: Currently, our congregational constitution permits Council to meet and to conduct business remotely (by electronic means), but there is currently no provision for remote congregational meetings at Spirit of Joy. However, the ELCA model congregational constitution (as amended in 2019) contains the following provision:

 C10.08.    This congregation may hold meetings by remote communication, including electronically and by telephone conference, as long as there is an opportunity for simultaneous aural communication. To the extent permitted by state law, notice of all meetings may be provided electronically.

Our current constitution provides that it may be amended by a majority vote at a single congregational meeting, when the change is to “bring any section into conformity with a section or sections, either required or not required” of the model congregational constitution of the ELCA. Your Congregation Council is recommending that we add section C10.08 to our constitution, exactly as it is found in the ELCA model.

The sole purpose of the meeting on August 30 will be to discuss and vote on this proposed amendment to Spirit of Joy’s constitution.